Luc L. Legrand (thanks for 7.5 M views): Sleeping trees on the island of Mainau in Lake Constance
Bernard Fabbro: aigrette garzette / little egret 24H_7087
Richard Larssen: Lighthouse winter evening
raingdss: Murrays Beach
karen leah: Kingfisher with catch
karen leah: Ring ouzel eating berries
Bernard Fabbro: balbuzard pêcheur / osprey 23N_2266
Bernard Fabbro: huppe fasciée / hoopoe 23J_2061
Nur Ismail Photography: Rufous-collared kingfisher
nicole le roy91: Balbuzard pêcheur au coucher du soleil/Osprey at sunset
arrtography: Sandstorm
Bernard Fabbro: busard des roseaux / Circus aeruginosus 23F_1065
S l a w e k: Oblivion
Dylan Toh: Marriotts Falls
aleshurik: Sean and Julia. Summer storm in Ireland.
Jarek S. "Jerry": Red-backed shrike
Dylan Toh: Emu Bay
Dylan Toh: Great Wall
Dylan Toh: Stoked Sunset
TWS85: Goldenes Bernkastel-Kues
Bernard Fabbro: martin-pêcheur / Alcedo atthis 19D_8196
Brian E Kushner: Bald Eagle
Massimo Greco *: Cormorano
sjs61: Waiting To Return
S l a w e k: Inexorable
They call me Joey!: Survival!!!