St James Gate: Winter Rays
mikederrico69: Ultimate Sunset At 10020 Feet
情事針寸II: Pink Rose Angénieux Saint Héand Type AX F 105 - 110
Ingrid0804: Foggy drive
eric robb niven: The Testhill
Alta alatis patent: Slotermeer, Woudsend
germancute: _DSC1499
germancute: spring
情事針寸II: Gerbera SOM Berthiot EURYGRAPHE No.10 Série IVe F : 6.2 F=250
BingleymanPhotos: Clearing snow
eric robb niven: Autumn Colours on the River Tay
David G. Hoffman: 028544a- Winter Colors
germancute: Flora
gilou.63: Mon parc
KaDeGe 59: Hazel river
birk.noack: Spuren
richard.hebert68: Promenade Jacques-Cartier
Federico Tamayo: Arribada i final
Ioannis Ks: Footprints but not people
ronmcbride66: Legananny Dolmen, County Down
f.depillot: mousse givrée
f.depillot: les grues remontent vers le nord
Christoph Bieberstein: Sonnenuntergang mit einem Hauch Wüste
Ioannis Ks: Sunset and waves
pprd: Cairn - 6000 years old funerary monument
matthias416: traces
Mejxu: Hagebutte im Regen