David Ho Ming Lam: Contax G Carl Zeiss Trio( 28/2.8, 45/2 & 90/2.8)
herbraab: Young Moon and Jupiter
mikeSF_: Starry Night
mikemikecat: Tsing Ma Bridge @ Ma Wan, HK
leslie hui: Who wants to join me for coffee?
S.R.G - msucoo93: 台北101 - 夜景
Mike Hankey.: In a flap
Kirk Lougheed: Double Strike
aleshurik: Streets of Catalonia... (from my workshop in Spain)
kevin-palmer: Delta Aquarid Time Lapse
realrown: Milkyway
mendowong: Milkyway
Yaw Image: Milkyway
Wei, Willa: Living on the edge
andrewpmorse: From This World To The Next
AndWhyNot: Space Within
wonglp: P1060402 Panorama.jpg
96dpi: Pebbles
m.luqmanmalik: Yogyakarta Palace
billunder: Two Reaper cuttlefish
billunder: A Miamira Macnifica
ftan99: Rise of the Titan
Jason@Dynamicmoment: Astophoto X100s + WCL-X100
Jason@Dynamicmoment: Astrophoto x100s
wonglp: Buddha tooth temple litted up