HWHawerkamp: Corfu Concentrate
Edd Allen: Parting
athanecon: winter serenity
alainpere407: Nuage Cloud
chrisd666: Puente de Luz
michel.robert2020: Belgique Faucon Crécerelle déjeunant d'un campagnol
xanwhite305: Massif des Bornes et Mt-Blanc
remiklitsch: Serendipity
Photo Alan: Franka Solida III E
Christie Pohl: The Remains
K&E-mount: Monochrome
柄松 稔 Minoru Karamatsu: Closed marine park
DJOBurton: Ice & Fire (DSC08729)
K&E-mount: Monochrome
pierre_hadar: Misty dreams
Jarek S. "Jerry": Northern hawk-owl
Anto Camacho: The guide
wang1688: Happy Butterfly
Renee's Moment: Happy New Year 2025! (EXPLORED)
K&E-mount: Happy New Year
Ted Smith 574: Crested Tit on bracket fungus 😊
twoblackcats.com: sometimes i'm happy