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albums of FAOemergencies
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Tchad | Enquête DIEM-Suivi Cycle 7, octobre 2024.
Somalia | UN Joint Action for Building Resilience
Afghanistan | Data Collection: Face-to-face household surveys
Sierra Leone | Data Collection: Face-to-face household surveys
Data in Emergencies Monitoring and Impact activities throughout 2024
Afghanistan | Safeguarding orientation for construction workers in Kandahar
Mozambique | Cyclone Chido
South Sudan | Harvest season in Wau
Afghanistan | Certified wheat seed cultivation campaign
The Sudan | FAO monitors progress of the Sudan’s main planting season
Afghanistan | Rehabilitation of the Nahri Karim Canal
South Sudan | Resilient Agricultural Livelihoods Project
Afghanistan | Empowering women through beekeeping in Bamyan province
Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela | Mitigating the impact of drought on agricultural livelihoods through anticipatory actions
Afghanistan | Wheat harvest season
Kyrgyzstan | Improving food security and nutrition through cash+
Angola | Farmer Field Schools to enhance smallholder family farmers’ resilience, sustainable production and food security and nutrition in southern Angola (FRESAN)
Angola | Farmer Field Schools to enhance smallholder family farmers’ resilience, sustainable production and food security and nutrition in southern Angola (FRESAN)
Afghanistan | What is deworming?
Cabo Verde | Santa Cruz ile de Santiago
Cabo Verde | Ribeira Grande de Santiago et de São Domingos
The Sudan | FAO kicks off an emergency seed distribution campaign across 17 states
The Sudan | Impact of shocks on veterinary inputs, food supply chains and livestock livelihoods
Nigeria | DIEM-Monitoring Agricultural inputs survey, round 1
Afghanistan | Farmer Field Schools
Armenia | Improving food security and nutrition through cash+
Towards durable solutions: The transformative role of agriculture in refugee settings
Afghanistan | Livestock Farmer Field School in Parwan
Pakistan | Data Collection: Face-to-face household surveys
Afghanistan | Data Collection: Face-to-face household surveys
République centrafricaine | Enquête DIEM-Suivi cycle 5, février 2024
Somalia | El Niño preparedness, mitigation and response programme
Afghanistan | Locust control in Kunduz
Democratic Republic of the Congo | Improving access to food for vulnerable displaced and host communities in North Kivu
Ethiopia | Visiting communities affected by drought in Afar and Tigray regions
Sierra Leone | DIEM Data Collection: Face-to-face Round 11 household surveys
Afghanistan | What are Farmer Field Schools?
Nigeria | DIEM-Monitoring data collection: Face-to-face household surveys
Mali | Anticipatory Actions to mitigate the risk of floods in the Sahel
Rwanda | Supporting people affected by floods and landslides
Burundi | Appui en intrants agricoles aux ménages touchés par les aléas climatiques et autres chocs
Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela | Reducing protection risks of vulnerable communities by improving their food security and nutrition
Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela | Reducing protection risks of vulnerable communities by improving their food security and nutrition
The Sudan | Seeds reach 1 million conflict-affected farmers, supporting bountiful harvests
Afghanistan | Distribution of certified wheat seed to farmers
République démocratique du Congo | Répondre aux besoins alimentaires urgents des populations déplacées et communautés d’accueil dans les provinces du Nord Kivu et de l’Ituri
Niger | Anticipatory Actions to mitigate the impact of floods
Tchad | Enquête DIEM-Suivi Cycle 5, septembre 2023
Democratic Republic of the Congo | OCHA Famine Prevention and Response Coordinator, Ms Reena Ghelani, visits FAO emergency project in North Kivu
Afghanistan | Data Collection: Face-to-face household surveys
Data in Emergencies Monitoring and Impact activities throughout 2023
Northeastern Nigeria | Emergency agricultural interventions to fight food crises
Somalia | Supporting internally displaced people to build their resilience
Somalia | Vital livelihood support to drought-affected families
Somalia | Revitalizing the fisheries sector and supporting fishers to increase production sustainably
Somalia | Supporting drought-affected, rural farmers to restart their agricultural production
République démocratique du Congo | Enquête DIEM-Impact, août 2023
Afghanistan | Irrigation project transforms lives in rural Afghanistan
Afghanistan | Supporting rural communities of Kunar province through reforestation and agroforestry initiatives
Afghanistan | Rangeland rehabilitation in the southeast reduces pressure on land and boosts household income
Afghanistan | Pistachio forest and rangeland restoration in Badghis
Afghanistan │ Distribution of cash and livestock protection packages to protect the livelihoods and improve the food security of La Niña-affected communities
South Sudan | Building food system resilience in fragile settings: seed sector development in Western Bahr el Ghazal State
Ukraine | Distribution of poultry production packages for rural families in Chernihivska, Kharkivska and Sumska oblasts
Iraq | Data collection: Computer-assisted telephone interviews
Afghanistan | Emergency agricultural assistance to restore wheat production of smallholder farmers in the south
Somalia | Cash transfers sow seeds of resilience in Somalia
Somalia | Drought recovery for rural families
Pakistan | Data Collection: Face-to-face household surveys
Guinée-Bissau | Projet d’urgence en sécurité alimentaire
Afghanistan | Distribution of home gardening packages to women-headed households in Laghman province
Somalia | Reducing Flood Risks in Beletweyne district
Afghanistan | Certified wheat seed enables farming households in Nangarhar province to increase their harvest
Afghanistan | Lumpy skin disease vaccination programme
Afghanistan | Moroccan locust outbreak
Somalia | Helping rural communities cope with drought
Somalia | A new emergency vessel will save lives and enhance the fisheries sector in Somalia
The Syrian Arab Republic | DIEM-Impact post-earthquake rapid needs assessment on agricultural livelihoods and production in the northwest of the country
Mozambique | Assessment on land availability, access and use for internally displaced people, host communities and returnees in Cabo Delgado and Nampula provinces
Afghanistan | Data Collection: Face-to-face household surveys
Colombia | Recolección de datos: Encuesta de hogares cara a cara
Sierra Leone | Data Collection: Face-to-face household surveys
Cameroun | Renforcement institutionnel sur l’analyse de la sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle
Somalia | Improving water management for rural communities
Somalia | Revitalizing agri-food systems for smallholder farmers
Afghanistan | Deworming medicine protects livestock from parasites
The Niger | Strengthening livelihoods resilience in protracted crises
Mozambique | Building the resilience of vulnerable communities for food security and nutrition in Cabo Delgado
Tchad | Enquête DIEM-Suivi Cycle 4, décembre 2022-janvier 2023.
Somalia | Gaming for Peace: The young women embracing technology to promote peace in Somalia
Mozambique | Rebuilding livelihoods for displaced and host communities
Mozambique | Official launch of the Norway-funded 'Building the resilience of vulnerable communities for food and nutrition security in Cabo Delgado' project
Niger | Actions d’anticipation pour atténuer les effets de la sécheresse sur les moyens d’existence des populations
Afghanistan | Enhancing the self-reliance of rural families through the distribution of wheat production packages
Somalia | Livelihood response to mitigate impacts of drought on food security and livelihoods
Somalia | Constructing climate-smart water harvesting systems for rural communities
Afghanistan | Restoring irrigation canals to improve food production
Afghanistan | Providing critical production inputs to vulnerable livestock keepers ahead of winter months
Afghanistan | Enhancing the self-reliance of female-headed households through the distribution of backyard poultry production packages
Somalia | FAO’s cash transfers - a lifeline for drought-affected families
Somalia | Supporting riverine farmers to improve their productivity and food security
République centrafricaine | Assistance d’urgence pour le renforcement des capacités de la production alimentaire et de la résilience des populations vulnérables touchées par les conflits en République centrafricaine
Mozambique | Emergency agriculture-based livelihoods support for displaced and host communities
Data in Emergencies Monitoring and Impact activities throughout 2022
The Sudan | Building food-system resilience in protracted crises
Guatemala | Recolección de datos: Encuesta de hogares cara a cara
Mozambique | Emergency agriculture-based livelihoods support for displaced and host communities
Niger | Rétablir les moyens d’existence des ménages touchés par les inondations et lancer des actions d’anticipation
Niger | Renforcer la résilience des moyens d’existence dans un contexte de crises prolongées
Somaliland | Building food-system resilience in protracted crises (FNS-REPRO)
Somaliland | Strengthening livelihoods and resilience in Somaliland
Somalia | Supporting drought-affected rural communities through cash transfers
Afghanistan | FAO provide female-headed households in Samangan province with backyard vegetable production packages to support their food security and self-reliance
Afghanistan | FAO protects livestock assets of vulnerable herders through animal feed assistance
Niger | Visite de la Ministre de la Coopération Belge au développement et Aide humanitaire dans la commune rurale de Simiri, région de Tillabéri
Afghanistan | Data Collection: Face-to-face household surveys
Somalia | Increasing small-scale farmers’ livelihoods resilience against threats and crises
Somalia | Treating livestock against drought related diseases
Iraq and Lebanon | Enumerator training and computer-assisted telephone interviews
Uganda and Kenya | Fostering refugees’ inclusion and self-reliance to promote peace and contribute to social-cohesion
Somalia | Strengthening integrated water and land management
Somalia | Cash support to protect people from the impacts of drought
Burkina Faso | Soutenir les activités d’élevage des ménages touchés par la pandémie de la covid-19
Somalia | Reducing climate risk through flood and water management
Somaliland | Strengthening agropastoralist resilience through improved fodder value chains
Afghanistan | Farmers in Balkh province increase their wheat production, thanks to the support of FAO and the European Union
Central African Republic | FAO in-house management information system for secured beneficiary registration
Pakistan | Data Collection: Face-to-face household surveys
Afghanistan | Protecting livestock of vulnerable herders in Samangan Province
Somalia | Data collection: Computer-assisted telephone interviews in Somalia
Afghanistan | FAO trains rural women in northern Afghanistan on soy food preparation
The Niger | Supporting the livelihoods of vulnerable households
The Niger | Emergency response to strengthen agriculture- and livestock-based livelihoods
Afghanistan | Improving soybean varieties and production capacity to improve food security and nutrition in Afghanistan
Afghanistan | Distribution of animal feed to vulnerable Kuchi nomadic herding communities and livestock owners
Afghanistan | FAO visits and listens to vulnerable communities in southern Afghanistan
Afghanistan | Winter wheat assistance provided by FAO growing strong in the fields of eastern Afghanistan
South Sudan | Mitigating the effects of COVID-19 to protect the food security and livelihoods of vulnerable households in urban centres
Afghanistan | FAO supports Kuchi nomadic herding communities in southern Afghanistan with livestock protection packages
Yemen | Land, Sea, Airwaves: Livelihood-specific COVID-19 sensitization
Somalia | Rural families hard hit by drought in Hirshabelle State
Kenya | Mission to raise awareness on the drought in the Horn of Africa and see FAO’s vital response in action
Ethiopia | Drought conditions in Somali region
Mozambique | Emergency agriculture livelihoods support for displaced people and host communities in the Province of Cabo Delgado
Somaliland | Addressing acute food insecurity
Somalia | Building resilience and promoting durable solutions in Lower Shabelle
Somalia | Supporting rural households with cash, livestock and agricultural inputs (2)
Somalia | Supporting rural households with cash, livestock and agricultural inputs (1)
Somalia | Protecting the livelihoods of agro/pastoralists affected by desert locusts
Mozambique | Pemba mission
Afghanistan | Winter wheat campaign
Mozambique | Chicken Distribution Project
Afghanistan | Certified wheat seed distribution
South Sudan | Livestock Show and Agriculture Exhibition in Kuajok
Afghanistan | Documenting the impact of drought on farmers and herders
Southern Madagascar | Diversifying agricultural livelihoods
Burkina Faso | Visite de la Ministre belge dans le cadre du projet conjoint FAO/PAM
South Sudan | Fall armyworm control and management with bio-pesticides
Burkina Faso | Distribution d’intrants agricoles au profit des pasteurs et agropasteurs du site de Yabo
Afghanistan | FAO protects agriculture-based livelihoods in Afghanistan
Somalia | Strengthening the resilience of livelihoods in Somaliland
Somalia | Distributing fishing kits and engine boats in Hafun town
Somalia | Fall armyworm and Farmer Field School activities
South Sudan | Emergency Livelihood Response Programme (ELRP) in Rumbek
Ethiopia | Documenting seed distribution activities in Ethiopia's Tigray Region
Afghanistan | Humanitarian assistance to Kuchi nomadic pastoralists
Afghanistan | FAO and Embassy of Sweden to Afghanistan joint visit to Nili, Daikundi Province
Afghanistan | Cash distribution and COVID-19 awareness raising
Afghanistan | COVID-19 awareness raising and livestock management training
Afghanistan | Animal health care
Afghanistan | Animal feed distribution
Afghanistan | FAO enabled markets in Afghanistan to remain open and safe at the peak of the pandemic
Somalia | Mitigating the impacts of desert locusts on vulnerable rural populations
Somalia | Hirshabelle Resilient Riverine Agriculture Project (HRRAP)
Somalia | Desert locust livelihood support
Somalia | Radio programmes for community development
Somalia | Somalia Crisis Response Plan (SCRP)
Mozambique | Livelihoods assistance to displaced people and host communities in Cabo Delgado
Somalia | Voice recognition pilot project
Somalia | Strengthening the resilience of livelihoods in Somaliland
South Sudan | Emergency Livelihood Response Programme
South Sudan | Strengthening the resilience of pastoral and agro-pastoral communities
Burkina Faso | Protecting the livelihoods of drought-affected households
Somalia | Cash+ livestock activities
Somalia | Desert locust livelihood support in Somaliland
Somalia | Istaahil’s garden
South Sudan | Livestock vaccinations
South Sudan | FAO and WFP distribute food, vegetable seeds and fishing kits
Afghanistan | FAO supports agriculture-based livelihoods to mitigate the impacts of COVID-19
Niger | Launch of FAO’s emergency agricultural activities and response to the pastoral lean season in the Niger’s regions of Diffa, Maradi, Tahoua and Zinder
Kenya | Desert locust control operations
Ethiopia | Desert locust control operations
Bangladesh | FAO and Rohingya refugees restore forests in and around once barren camps
Afghanistan | Distribution of vegetable seeds and agricultural tools
South Sudan | Vegetable kit distribution in Juba
Cameroon | Supporting household resilience of Lake Chad Basin communities affected by the Boko Haram
Bangladesh | 2020 Monsoon Floods
Northeastern Nigeria | Rebuilding livelihoods in Borno State
Myanmar | Improving food security conditions of vulnerable communities in Rakhine State
Haiti | Reviving agricultural production in the context of multiple crises
Somalia | Handover ceremony of six vehicles for desert locust response in Somaliland
Kenya | Preparing an airplane for desert locust control operations
Somalia | Delivering biopesticides for control operations
Kenya | Desert locust control operations
Syrian Arab Republic | Syrian farmers install low tunnels, creating nurseries while utilizing COVID-19 protection measures
Democratic Republic of the Congo | Improving the prospects for local peace through the Dimitra Clubs
Local perspectives on peace: community testimonials in the Greater Karamoja Cluster
Kenya | Training on desert locust control and surveillance
Mobile futures: sustaining peace, restoring movement in the Greater Karamoja Cluster
République démocratique du Congo | Lancement du projet conjoint FAO/PAM/UNICEF financé par l’Allemagne
Somalia | Desert locust control operations in Somaliland
Somalia | Addressing acute food insecurity in rural areas 2
Somalia | Improving the nutritional status of Somali households
Kenya | Desert locust control operations
Somalia | Addressing acute food insecurity in rural areas 1
Somalia | Desert locust response
Somalia | Reviving spate irrigation in Somaliland
Kenya | Desert locust outbreak
Syrian Arab Republic | Syrian women farmers learning new skills to produce food
Ethiopia | Desert locust invasion
Somalia | Addressing acute food insecurity in rural areas
Somalia | Fall armyworm
Yemen | Solar powered water pumps
Somalia | Somaseed: improving the genetic quality of seeds 2
Somalia | Handover fishing vessels in Bossaso
Somalia | Monitoring desert locust
Somalia | Sustained drought response
Somalia | Somaseed: improving the genetic quality of seeds
Burkina Faso | Emergency response through cash transfers
Nigeria | Rainy season crop assistance
Syrian Arab Republic | Women food producers
South Sudan | Strengthening the resilience of communities in cross-border areas
Afghanistan | Improving livestock-based livelihoods
Yemen | Desert locust
South Sudan | Safeguarding livestock assets
Afghanistan | Farmers affected by floods
South Sudan | Sustainable Agriculture for Economic Resiliency project
Colombia | EWEA mission in La Guajira 2
Colombia | EWEA mission in La Guajira 1
Democratic Republic of the Congo | FAO and WFP Emergency and Resilience Directors’ mission
Afghanistan | Feed and fodder seed distribution in Herat
Syrian Arab Republic | Students celebrate the taste of green leaves
Mozambique | Seed kits to cushion harvest losses
Nigeria | Fresh food distribution
Nigeria | Eggs to boost income and nutrition
Mozambique | Agricultural kits distribution after cyclone Idai
Nigeria | Bull distribution to Borno's youth
Syrian Arab Republic | Education for all
Syrian Arab Republic | Improving health and livelihood of women
Yemen | Livestock vaccination campaign
Syrian Arab Republic | Animal treatment campaign
Senegal | FAO supports pastoralist communities
Mongolia | Impact of Early Warning Early Action
Democratic Republic of the Congo | Strengthening local capacities
Somalia | Seed distribution
Bangladesh | Emergency livelihood support for host communities and refugees
Madagascar | Early Warning - Early Action approach
Bangladesh | Rohingya refugee crisis
Somalia | Fish processing
South Sudan | Bridging the divide
Kenya | Easing the impact of drought
Somalia | Fisherman training
Cuba | Hurricane Irma
South Sudan | Rapid response mission
Syria | The Syrian schools with edible playgrounds
South Sudan | Collecting data on food security and nutrition
DR Congo | FAO’s rapid response to the food crisis in the Kasai
Iraq | Hen distribution
Nigeria | Emergency seed distributions to combat hunger
Ethiopia | Fall armywarm outbreak
Myanmar | Drones for Disaster Risk Reduction in the agriculture sector
South Sudan | Life in the cattle camp
Somalia | Supporting pastoralists in Puntland
Nigeria | Enhancing women’s protection
Haiti | Cliniques vétérinaires mobiles / Mobile veterinary clinics
Haiti | Seed fair
Somalia | Supporting fisheries in Puntland
South Sudan | Fisheries on the White Nile river
Somalia | Farmers and herders in an IDPs camp
Myanmar | Distribution of agricultural inputs and livestock
South Sudan | Training fisher folks
Iraq | Fertilizer distribution
Mali and Mauritania | The “productive transfers” approach (CASH+)
Haiti | Seed distribution after Hurricane Matthew
Iraq | Restoring water supply
South Sudan | Fishing in the rivers
Haiti | Damages and first response after Hurricane Matthew
Nigeria | Reaping rewards: rebuilding lives and livelihoods
Haiti | Hurricane Matthew's devastating damages
South Sudan | Harvest at the community garden
Lebanon | Vertical gardens
Nigeria | Vegetable production
Nigeria | Planting the seeds of hope
Vietnam | Needs assessment in response to El Niño
CAR | Seed4change campaign
South Sudan | Seeds distribution
Myanmar | Emergency livelihood support for flood-affected communities
South Sudan | Community farming project
Myanmar | Livestock distribution
Somalia | Cash scheme rekindles hope in drought-hit regions
Honduras | Strengthening resilience in the Dry Corridor
Ethiopia | Destocking campaign against El Niño
Fiji | Tropical Cyclone Winston
Philippines | Response to Typhoon Koppu
Myanmar | Six months after the major floods
Nepal | Training of trainers
Nepal | Strengthening the resilience of families after the earthquakes
Mongolia | Early Warning Early Action
Kenya | Safe Access to Fuel and Energy
Liberia | Ebola recovery
Lesotho | School art competition on CA
South Sudan | Training of new MI specialists
Nigeria | Crucial assistance to communities in Chibok
Liberia | Increasing rice harvest
Papua New Guinea | Effects of El Niño
South Sudan | Livestock vaccination campaign
South Sudan | Operation Harold
Philippines | Livestock distribution small-scale coconut farmers
Madagascar | Start of third locust campaign
Syria | Micro-gardens: a source of fresh and nutritious food for internally displaced people
Philippines | Receiving much-needed livestock support after Typhoon Haiyan
Nepal | The impact of the earthquakes on female farmers
South Sudan | Crop planting assessment in Aweil East and South
Myanmar | Flooding
South Sudan | FAO trains extension workers on livestock production
Madagascar | La lutte antiacridienne a été une réussite
Philippines | Central Mindanao farmers plant in time for the upcoming season
Philippines | Building more resilient farming communities after Typhoon Haiyan
Nepal | After the earthquakes
CAR | Youth and agriculture festival
Liberia | Helping women work in groups
Nepal | Stabilizing land and preventing landslides after the earthquakes
Nepal | Rice seed distribution
Nepal | Local seed sourcing and packaging
Nepal | Damage assessment after the earthquakes
Central African Republic | Garden schools in Bangui
Madagascar | Locust control
Myanmar | Assessing fuel needs in camps for IDPs and surrounding communities
Central African Republic | Cleaning water channels in Bangui
Vanuatu | Damage of the Tropical Cyclone Pam
South Sudan | Assessment mission to Nimule
Liberia | Visit to communities affected by the Ebola outbreak 2
South Sudan | Investigation on livestock disease transmission
Liberia | Visit to communities affected by the Ebola outbreak
Philippines | The rehabilitation of mangrove sites
Malawi | Urgent help for farmers after heavy flooding
South Sudan | Field visit to assess the livestock situation
South Sudan | From Farm to Table
South Sudan | Fishing kits for families in Palek island
Zimbabwe | Women farmers start vegetable farming as a business
Liberia | Women’s associations severely affected in Ebola hard-hit communities
Madagascar | First locusts spotted / Premiers criquets repérés
Zimbabwe | Voucher system
South Sudan | World Food Day 2014
Madagascar | Traditional methods for fighting locusts / Lutte traditionnelle contre les criquets
Mali | Fish Stocking
Liberia | Visit to Ebola affected communities in hard-hit Lofa County
West Bank and Gaza Strip | FAO provides emergency support to herders
Mali | Rainy Season in Mopti
South Sudan | Livelihood kit beneficiaries in Jonglei State
Madagascar | The implementation of the Three-year Programme in response to the Locust Plague
CAR | FAO supporting returnees with tool distributions
Philippines | Corn seed distribution
Mali | Vaccination and distribution of goats
Lesotho | Conservation Agriculture explained by farmers to farmers
South Sudan | Beneficiaries in Eastern Equatoria receive FAO’s emergency seeds
South Sudan | Agro-pastoralist course inspires graduates
CAR | Agriculture to build livelihoods in Bossangoa
CAR | On the road to resilience
CAR | Agriculture in Bossangoa
Philippines | Agricultural inputs distribution in Ormoc City
CAR | Crisis-hit farmers receive time-critical assistance
Syria | Poultry distribution in rural Damascus
CAR | FAO seeds and tools on the way
Madagascar | Aerial locust surveys in Madagascar (April 2014) / Prospections aériennes à Madagascar (avril 2014)
South Sudan | Livelihood kit distributions ongoing
Philippines | Rebuilding fishers’ livelihoods after Typhoon Haiyan
Central African Republic | A future for IDPs in Bangui
Philippines | Harvesting Hope
Liberia | Harvesting rice
CAR | Cultivation near Bangui airport
Sudan | Darfur: worsening hunger and malnutrition crisis
South Sudan | Witnessing the effects of conflict
Syria | Backyard poultry - an alternative way to sustain food security and nutrition
Philippines | Irish Minister for Trade and Development visits FAO recovery projects
CAR | Seeds and tools distribution in Bossangoa
Philippines | New Zealand Minister met local rice and coconut farmers in Leyte
CAR | Launch of the 2013-14 agricultural campaign
Philippines | FAO Director-General visit to Tacloban
Colombia | The community of Vereda San Luis
Philippines | Livelihoods destroyed
Lebanon | Supporting vulnerable livestock keeping communities
FAO in emergencies App
South Sudan | Preparing emergency livelihood kits
Central African Republic | Inputs distribution in Bangui
Philippines | Irish Ambassador witnesses first hand FAOs response to Typhoon Haiyan
New Zealand Ambassador visits FAO project
Philippines | Crop damages after Typhoon haiyan
CAR | Distribution of emergency kits for the production of vegetable
CAR | Destruction in the countryside
Philippines | Norway’s Minister of Foreign Affairs visits FAO rice seed project after typhoon Haiyan
CAR | Mission inter agences en visite sur terrain
Philippines | FAO seed distribution after Typhoon Haiyan
Philippines | Field visit to Guiuan and Tacloban
Madagascar | Swarm of the Malagasy Migratory Locust observed in Tsiroanomandidy
Philippines | Working for the new season
Philippines | Assessing damages to agriculture after typhoon Haiyan
Philippines | The effects of the Typhoon Haiyan in Panay Island
Colombia | Knowledge share fair
Malawi | Supporting food insecure families
Regional Cassava Initiative
Lesotho | Beneficiaries at home
West Bank and Gaza Strip | Emergency activities
DR Congo | Purchase for Progress (P4P) Project: selling cassava
Lesotho | Donors field visits
Burundi | Livestock projects
Lesotho | Launch of Conservation Agriculture up scaling strategy
Lesotho | Armyworm infestation
West Bank Gaza Strip | LEGS training course
West Bank Gaza Strip | Livestock
West Bank Gaza Strip | LEGS training course
Burundi | Emergency activities
Madagascar | Migratory Locust swarm in Madagascar, Isalo National Park, / Essaim de Criquet migrateur à Madagascar, Parc national de l’Isalo
Kenya | Junior Farmer Field and Life School for Somali refugees
St Lucia | Emergency programme
Madagascar | Migratory Locust swarm / Essaim de Criquet migrateur
FAO in emergencies new website
Colombia | Answer to la Niña
Burundi | Repatriation and reintegration
Madagascar | Invasion acridienne
Madagascar | Locust plague
Cote d'Ivoire | Training on ESSS
St Lucia | Restoration of riverbeds
Zambia | Conservation agriculture
Sudan | Helping Darfur farmers and herders live in peace
CAP 2013
Burundi | Fishing for peace
Malawi | Treadle Pump Irrigation Project
Haiti | Hurricane Sandy
Burundi | Supporting Returnees
Chad | FAO Goodwill Ambassador Raúl González on Chad visit
South Sudan | The potential of fishing
Liberia | Emergency Assistance to Ivorian and Host Families
Mali | Growing vegetables near the desert
Argentina | Recovery of the livestock and emergency support to small farmers 2
Haiti | earthquake: one year on
Colombia | Urban Agriculture
Pakistan | Sunflower Day Event
Kenya | Waterhole monitoring: High-tech drought preparedness and response
CAP 2012
DR Congo | Mitigating the rising prices of food
Sudan | Vaccination and treatment campaign for livestock in Darfur
South Sudan | The challenge of going home
DR Congo | Improving agriculture through rice production
DR Congo | Urban and peri-urban horticulture (HUP)
Afghanistan | Seeds planting
Chad, Sahel band | Field activities
Chad | Drip irrigation - Chad, Kanem region in the Sahel band
Ethiopia | Elas rehabilitation
South Sudan | Seeds fair in Morobo
South Sudan | Sowing seeds for future generation
South Sudan | Cattle vaccination
Sudan | Livestock protection in Darfur
Sudan | Livestock protection in Blue Nile
Sudan | Helping farmers in Darfur
Liberia | Support to Food Security Efforts
Liberia | Converting a swamp to a productive rice farm
Eswatini | Training courses
Zimbabwe | Presentation of the Guidelines on the eVoucher project
Zimbabwe | Voucher campaign
Argentina | Recovery of livestock and emergency support to small farmers
Guatemala | Emergency Projects
Colombia | Livelihood recovery
République centrafricaine | Enquête DIEM-Suivi cycle 5, février 2024