FAOemergencies: Farmer Input Support Initiative (FISRI) workshop on progress and key lessons learned
FAOemergencies: Discussing the performance of FISRI and the way forward
FAOemergencies: Promoting conservation agriculture
FAOemergencies: A spontaneous conservation adopter in the village of Sikaunzwe
FAOemergencies: Early land preparation is key to conservation agriculture
FAOemergencies: Protecting top soils
FAOemergencies: Spontaneous conservation agriculture adopter in Kalomo
FAOemergencies: Finding ways for the poor rains to not affect the crops in Kalomo
FAOemergencies: Beneficiaries weed their fields when crops are at an early stage
FAOemergencies: Enhancing soil fertility
FAOemergencies: Promoting the use of herbicides
FAOemergencies: Promoting conservation agriculture through demonstration plots
FAOemergencies: Crop diversification in Monze
FAOemergencies: Promoting the use of small basins when draft animals are not available
FAOemergencies: Applying herbicides can be effective and less labour intensive method for smallholder farmers
FAOemergencies: Increasing access to high yielding seeds
FAOemergencies: Rotating crops to help improve farmers’ production