FAOemergencies: Keith Cressman, FAO Senior Agricultural Officer
FAOemergencies: FAO officials
FAOemergencies: FAO officials
FAOemergencies: Desert locust
FAOemergencies: Desert locust
FAOemergencies: Ready to act
FAOemergencies: In action
FAOemergencies: In action
FAOemergencies: Walking over the ground
FAOemergencies: Walking over the ground
FAOemergencies: Walking over the ground
FAOemergencies: Walking over the ground
FAOemergencies: Walking over the ground
FAOemergencies: In the field amongst desert locusts
FAOemergencies: Walking over the ground
FAOemergencies: Walking over the ground
FAOemergencies: In the field amongst desert locusts
FAOemergencies: Speaking to the media
FAOemergencies: Discussing locust control operations