Jamie MacArthur: _W6R7660magazine
PhotoJenics by Jen Hall: Red Fox on the Prowl - 8472b+
hondaxx1: upupa volo PP
onlywildshots: Great crested grebe a-a
antino.c: Frosoni all'alba
fresco photos: Martre des pins
Nigel Hodson: Red Deer
Alejandro Insegna: Caburé.AEI_7865
fresco photos: Renardeau
loryxxyy: _R129009-0-2
BN Singh: Bald Eagle
Michel Roesink: Fighting jay and great spotted woodpecker
Lesley Robb: Barn Owl
monte stinnett: Kestrels
Mark S Searle: Great Crested Grebe
LynnS shorebirdsnmore: Yes, I Captured This Myself!
davidsparrow1967: Female Kingfisher
Bernard Collery: Balbuzard pecheur. Osprey.
BN Singh: Eared Grebe
guybas2016: GBAS1285 Ecureuil
Karen Roe: Red Deer Stag
MindfulnessArt: Delicious / Un délice
alainclement: Little Bittern fishing - Blongios nain pechant
alainclement: a little bit of softness....
rolvac76600: Séquence-PMartin-pêcheur-1
rolvac76600: _G232888_Martin-pêcheur en vol
rolvac76600: _21O5851_Course en tête
rolvac76600: _G233490-15_DxO
rolvac76600: Séquence-Martin-pêcheur-2