antino.c: Codirosso
antino.c: Predator
antino.c: Darkness
antino.c: Capinera femmina, Eurasian blackcap female
antino.c: Giovane codirosso, Common redstart juv
antino.c: The capture
antino.c: Half&Half?
antino.c: Just a butterfly
antino.c: I'm arriving...
antino.c: Angry bird
antino.c: Over my wing
antino.c: Love affair
antino.c: It's like a game to them.
antino.c: Gruccione, Merops apiaster
antino.c: Battibecco, fight - Gruccioni
antino.c: Astore, Accipiter gentilis
antino.c: Grifone, Spain
antino.c: Gipeto, Spain
antino.c: Fight and kiss
antino.c: Me & you forever 💕
antino.c: Venice by night
antino.c: Venice is like rating an entire box off chocolate liqueurs in one go
antino.c: Black eternal dream
antino.c: Gipeti, Gypaetus barbatus, Bearded vulture
antino.c: Nibbio reale
antino.c: Martin pescatore, Martin pescatore, Alcedo atthis, Common kingfisher
antino.c: Martin pescatore, , Alcedo atthis, Common kingfisher
antino.c: Gipeto, Gypaetus barbatus
antino.c: Gyps fulvus, Grifone, Eurasian griffon vulture, Spain, Pyrenees
antino.c: Combattente