Giovanni Maggiora: Nirgendwo strahlt der Himmel so schön grau… (01)
judi may: 29/30: Moody blues
judi may: 25/30: By plucking her petals, you do not gather the beauty of the flower...Rabindranath Tagore
Giovanni Maggiora: Stille Spielplätze (Silent Playgrounds) – 07
DmitryA7III: Everyone is getting squeezed
NeilPas: 16 of 52 green onion bloom
chesterr: 112/366 Brief moment at HSW
Giovanni Maggiora: Stille Spielplätze (Silent Playgrounds) – 08
ajhaysom: Bent's Lookout 2024-04-19 (R5_99A7940-74)
judi may: 21/30: Bloomin' lovely
judi may: 20/30: Miss Scarlet in the library
Ken Pick: ICM Forest
gato-gato-gato: weird world
Dan Haug: Easy Rider
shacker: Kaleidoscope Amy
Richard Pilon: Leica M3 Selfie
Dolores.G: 20240413 Wild Radishes
chesterr: 103/366 Dog beach
chesterr: 104/366 Shadow mates
chesterr: 105/366 I scream for ice cream - while on my phone
Trevor Coultart: Abandoned.
judi may: 14/30: Tulips are nature's way of smiling
FadeToBlackLP: 105/366/2024
Richard Pilon: Dot it yourself car wash
Todd Gault: 13/100 - Trail Rider
DomMartel: Just started again
NeilPas: 105 Walmart parking lot SOOC