zeno373: pelican 2
zeno373: pelican 1
zeno373: roseate spoonbill
zeno373: spider
zeno373: market 1
dogtooth77: Cephalotus follicularis pitchers
dogtooth77: Nepenthes albomarginata pitchers
Anita363: Sand crab, Hippa marmorata
the meowking: Purple Gallinule
the meowking: Darker Diacme (Diacme adipaloides)
the meowking: Spotted Datana
the meowking: Great Shearwater
the meowking: Trindade Petrel (light morph)
the meowking: Bobolink calling
the meowking: Timber Rattlesnake
Paul R Jarvis: Practicing my flight shot technique. Digiscoped hull taken at Martin Mere with Kowa 884 / 30x eyepiece / digidapter / Panasonic 20mm 1.7 /GH4
guava1950: Corn Crake, rare visitor from eurasia - Cedar Beach
guava1950: Nelson's Sparrow - Plumb Beach
guava1950: Nelson's Sparrow - Plumb Beac
the meowking: Burrowing Owl
the meowking: Brown Booby
dogtooth77: Narthecium americanum colony at Webb's Mill
dogtooth77: Native Flora Garden in early August II
the meowking: Black Swallowtail (female)
the meowking: Eastern Tiger Swallowtail
bcbirdergirl: American Dipper (Cinclus mexicanus) - North Vancouver
the meowking: Henslow's Sparrow singing
bcbirdergirl: Botteri's Sparrow (Peucaea botterii) - Brownsville, TX
guava1950: Blue-gray Gnatcatcher - Doodletown