the meowking:
Fish Crow
the meowking:
California Gull
the meowking:
Ross’s Goose
the meowking:
Common Raven
the meowking:
Cackling Goose (Richardson’s)
the meowking:
Cackling Goose (Richardson’s)
the meowking:
Common Eider
the meowking:
American Woodcock
the meowking:
Ruby-crowned Kinglet
the meowking:
Northern Parula
the meowking:
Blackpoll Warbler
the meowking:
Purple Finch piggy
the meowking:
Tropical Buckeye
the meowking:
Puerto Rican Giant Whiptail
the meowking:
Anole sp.
the meowking:
Puerto Rican Crested Anole (?)
the meowking:
Brown Pelican
the meowking:
Brown Pelican
the meowking:
Brown Pelican
the meowking:
Atlantic Tarpon
the meowking:
Common Ground-dove
the meowking:
American Kestrel
the meowking:
Least Grebe
the meowking:
Caribbean Hermit Crab
the meowking:
Yellow Warbler
the meowking:
Black-bellied Plovers
the meowking:
Anole sp.
the meowking:
Yellow Warbler
the meowking:
White-cheeked Pintail
the meowking:
Black-necked Stilt