dogtooth77: Typha latifolia seed head detail II
dogtooth77: Ilex verticillata in fruit
dogtooth77: Ilex verticillata in fruit II
dogtooth77: Ilex verticillata in fruit III
dogtooth77: Ilex verticillata in fruit IV
dogtooth77: Ilesx verticillata in fruit V
dogtooth77: Ilex verticillata in fruit VI
dogtooth77: Ilex verticiallat in fruit with color forms
dogtooth77: Ilex verticillata fruit detail
dogtooth77: Ilex verticillata fruit details
dogtooth77: Ilex verticillata in fruit (color form)
dogtooth77: Ilex verticillata in habitat
dogtooth77: Typha latifolia seed head detail
dogtooth77: Typha latifolia seed heads
dogtooth77: Autumn forest scene at Garden in the Woods
dogtooth77: Entry walk at Garden in the Woods
dogtooth77: Hamamelis virginiana autumn colors by Hop Brook boardwalk
dogtooth77: Hop Brook boardwalk and stream in autumn
dogtooth77: Hop Brook boardwalk with Hamamleis virginiana in autumn
dogtooth77: Hop Brook with boardwalk
dogtooth77: Ilex verticillata at the Lily Pond Loop
dogtooth77: Ilex verticillata in fruit
dogtooth77: Magnolia tripetala and seedlings by Hop Brook trail
dogtooth77: Rhus aromatica autumn hues
dogtooth77: Viburnum lantanoides auutmn foliage detail
dogtooth77: Liatris spicata with flower fly pollinator
dogtooth77: Rudbeckia laciniata with Bombus.sp pollinator
dogtooth77: Cicuta maculata inflorescence detail
dogtooth77: Mimulus ringens with specialist bee pollinator
dogtooth77: Rosa carolina blossom detail