R\A\W F\O\R\M\S: P-a-g-e-s o-f t-h-e B-l-a-c-k B-o-o-k P-A-G-E 0-0-6 R\A\W M\A\T\E\R\I\A\L \ # 1250 \19\oct\12
allen taylor: shirt for carnivores
N U L L V O I D: Beläten ז
nnniccck: Boston may 2012
nnniccck: Black dice in boston 2012
SUN AND CAVE: Post-Die (Black & Blue), After Tony Smith, 2011
minotaurelab: glow in the dark
mrwaterslide: Cat in a Corner, Upstanding
N U L L V O I D: The Perversity Of Flesh
oXane: cyclic emotion.
mehrun_: Barn in the distance
mehrun_: Water's illusion
mehrun_: Cannock Chase
mehrun_: Park