oXane: we are part of a global organism, a network of meaning and value, infinitesimal living testaments of dealing with mortality
oXane: mirroring
oXane: on a rainy day.
oXane: it all starts with [1]
oXane: a hopeful poem on a rainy day.
oXane: where i find my peace
oXane: a hand, isolated. scanned for code. our alien nature is always near.
oXane: dimensionality.
oXane: moss pit
oXane: prepare for liftoff
oXane: dandelion on holiday.
oXane: the years that have already passed are resonating more and more
oXane: intergalactic newsflash
oXane: night.
oXane: morning
oXane: event horizon.
oXane: afloat.
oXane: a brighter day.
oXane: wandering eye
oXane: the epic dimension is always closer than you might think
oXane: vibrant tapestry (life)
oXane: a bowl of clouds in my sink.
oXane: the now.
oXane: coming to you live from the Dutch savanna.
oXane: resound, resonate.
oXane: finding the perfect curve.
oXane: the space of flows.
oXane: 3rror.
oXane: a positive outlook.
oXane: cat wave. kissed by the sun.