R\A\W F\O\R\M\S: \ R\A\W M\A\T\E\R\I\A\L \ # 1880 \ Max Kuiper \ 6\feb\24
R\A\W F\O\R\M\S: ‘Schemeroorlog’ - 1
R\A\W F\O\R\M\S: possible clothes - 1 - max Kuiper, 16 dec 2022
R\A\W F\O\R\M\S: possible object 1 - max kuiper, 12 dec 2022
R\A\W F\O\R\M\S: 'an element that has yet to be discovered' - mk. 6 dec 2022
R\A\W F\O\R\M\S: working on z\w\a\r\t magazine nr. 25 \ to be released in january\2023
R\A\W F\O\R\M\S: Working on z\w\a\r\t magazine nr. 24
R\A\W F\O\R\M\S: mk \ 23 feb 2022
R\A\W F\O\R\M\S: Saison Vierge
R\A\W F\O\R\M\S: X black drones and loud screams X
R\A\W F\O\R\M\S: R\A\W M\A\T\E\R\I\A\L \ # 1773 \
R\A\W F\O\R\M\S: ‘a larger circle of places around the centre’ 29
R\A\W F\O\R\M\S: new project \ more information soon \ Max Kuiper
R\A\W F\O\R\M\S: Sterile Garden - ‘Miasma Redux’ preview
R\A\W F\O\R\M\S: Breath Ritual 1
R\A\W F\O\R\M\S: Secret Track
R\A\W F\O\R\M\S: one of the containers. petri dish \ black cdr reflecting paint on the window
R\A\W F\O\R\M\S: R\A\W M\A\T\E\R\I\A\L \ # 1744 \ Max Kuiper \ 14\apr\19
R\A\W F\O\R\M\S: z\w\a\r\t 21 - installation
R\A\W F\O\R\M\S: 'Verschiebungen durch das Grau'
R\A\W F\O\R\M\S: Raum (3) und Bewegung
R\A\W F\O\R\M\S: vers les sources
R\A\W F\O\R\M\S: z\w\a\r\t magazine nr. 20
R\A\W F\O\R\M\S: arbre \ fumée
R\A\W F\O\R\M\S: The Transmute building, aka KKN 24, as seen from building KKN 25
R\A\W F\O\R\M\S: The Transmute24 building, in the distance, during the demolition - 24 june 2018
R\A\W F\O\R\M\S: next week \ 6 may: release of 'Correspondances'