- ***All beautiful shots and many more.
- 112 pictures in 2012
- 182,5
- 50mm (The original 50mm group)
- 85 mm
- Abandoned
- Abandoned Places and Things
- Aprende Fotografia Digital
- Blanco y Negro - Black and White
- Clique of CAMARADERIEs
- Close Ups, Bokeh and DOF shots
- Closer and Closer Macro Photography -
- Come to photograph my world / Ven a fotografiar mi mundo
- FOTOGRAFÍA, aprendamos juntos
- green + rust
- La mirada a 50mm
- Melancholy
- Minimalist Landscapes
- Natural Jewellery CLOSED
- Portraiture (of real people)
- Puerto Madero
- Sony Alpha 100
- Taking photographs is painting with light.
- Tamron 17-50 2.8 or Nikon 18-200 VR
- Urbex
- Urbex - HDR
- We are each other's contacts!
- Wonders of Oxidation
- Writing Machines
- Zombie Walk - Buenos Aires
- ► Retratos
- ☼ safariBA:reloaded