Prunella Fockadey: Stuck in the middle...
LowerDarnley: Lesser Known Lighthouses #7
LowerDarnley: Lesser Known Lighthouses #8
LowerDarnley: Morning Beach Walk
LowerDarnley: St Patrick Road
Done working!: L1001018sm
Jonnie Lynn Lace: The Architect's House
Maureen Bond: morning fog is like a whisper from nature
AnalogBob: Jumping Cat Flash
Blue Tapes: 92110015
allanga_69: Fallen
lawatt: snow blowing off the mountains
Wolfgang Moersch: Dasbachweiher, Holga
chrisfriel: night 210125
Alexander Tkachev: still life, bromoil.
LowerDarnley: Eroding Cliffs Cabot Beach (Enneaptych)
LowerDarnley: Tide Pool
LowerDarnley: Sunrise Impressions
LowerDarnley: Flying Fish, Silver Lake
lawatt: behind the house
lawatt: 12:54pm
Northwoods Apparition: Abandoned Deer Camp