Heffordphoto: Snowy Owl
stokes rx: Angry Waters
Paul Rollison: Top of the world!
guidovankleef: Heavy fog
Jean-Michel Priaux: In the stars
Gaëtan Lortie: Garrot à oeil d'or : Common Goldeneye : Bucephala clangula
Eric Lu Photography: Allen's Hummingbird (R55_4031)
Prajzner: Merops apiaster
CR Courson: Cooper's Hawk
Gladys Klip: Roerdomp / bittern / butor
Rosa Gamboias/ on vacation: Winding Cisticola (Cisticola marginatus)
Sindri Skúlason: Horned Grebe (Flórgoði) 126
Sindri Skúlason: Horned Grebe (Flórgoði) 127
Randy Lowden: Wilson's Snipe
Eric Gofreed: Green-headed Tanager
highlandphoto: Portland Lighthouse at Sunset
Gladys Klip: Steenuil / little owl / chevêche d'athéna
CR Courson: Brewster's Warbler
CR Courson: Common Loon
CR Courson: Aerodynamic
CR Courson: Getting Buzzed
peterspencer49: Kingfisher (f)
Bruno Conjeaud: Scale-throated Hermit - Ermite eurynome
paulv2c: Day's End
ericnzhou: Eared Grebe with Chick
Jean-Michel Priaux: In the light
Jean-Michel Priaux: Golden shadow
Jean-Michel Priaux: In the light