stokes rx: Grand Canyon Sunset
stokes rx: Nowhere Waterfall
stokes rx: Angry Waters
stokes rx: Close up
stokes rx: High Tide
stokes rx: Colorado Plateau
stokes rx: Painted Desert Early morning
stokes rx: Fall Colors
stokes rx: NW Colors
stokes rx: Run off or Waterfall
stokes rx: Morning Flight
stokes rx: Arizona Sunset
stokes rx: First Night Sunset
stokes rx: Sunrise on the Colorado River
stokes rx: One Time Only
stokes rx: Grand Canyon Oasis
stokes rx: Midnight Shooting
stokes rx: Where There's Water.....
stokes rx: Deer Creek Falls
stokes rx: Nankoweap Granaries
stokes rx: Grand Canyon Reflections
stokes rx: Bottom of the Grand Canyon
stokes rx: Bonaire Sunrise
stokes rx: Receding Morning Fog
stokes rx: Snowy Morning
stokes rx: King of the Hill
stokes rx: Owens Valley Sunrise
stokes rx: Lines in the Sand
stokes rx: Badwater Selfie
stokes rx: Precursor to Color