Roger Hickey: Bull Elk
Roger Hickey: Bugling Bull
Roger Hickey: White-Breasted Nuthatch
Roger Hickey: Monarch Butterfly
Roger Hickey: Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly
Roger Hickey: Kentucky Warbler
Roger Hickey: Black and White Warbler
targetman1: A09O1026
targetman1: FH3I3240
targetman1: FH3I4906
targetman1: FH3I5270
towne_central: Bronze Copper
towne_central: BST_060709_a
towne_central: Mexico 2009
towne_central: Mexico 2009
towne_central: Mexico 2009
Dale Harding: Chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs)
Dale Harding: Coal Tit (Periparus ater)
Earl Reinink: hassled..
Glenn Bartley - Magellanic Woodpecker (Campephilus magellanicus)
Glenn Bartley - Black-capped Tanager - 04
targetman1: FH3I9761
targetman1: IMG_2048
targetman1: IMG_2138
targetman1: A09O4705
jlfconceicao: Alvéola branca - Motacilla alba - White wagtail
hunt.keith27: Puffin - (Fratercula arctica) 2 click for for large and best view
MarjieM777: Hummingbird working the fairy duster
MarjieM777: Hi there, how are you today?
AlaskaFreezeFrame: Photographing Red Fox - Sometimes You Get No Respect! ;-)