Sam Friedman: YxYY-Prom-Photoboof_MG_8608
k0re: IMG_7450
k0re: IMG_7451
queue_queue: tweets
maximolly: Christmas lights like colored corn kernels on Marina City
ekai: The largest sea crane in North America, after 5 years of service building the new Bay Bridge, sets sail for New York this weekend.
ekai: The Left Coast Lifter, leaves Sunday morning for New York via the Panama Canal
dhaskovec: On a hike near Pt Reyes
palgus: How to spoil your sick old kitty & keep him warm, zip him into your down vest.
maximolly: Campus potsmasters!
sonci: tiny frittatas
sonci: Batmanuel and book
sonci: Jared, the man who made my favorite jacket
stenji: karaoke
oof: Broken spring
your pal ryan: Testing out the beds
oof: Birthday Girl
maximolly: I'm the right kind of twisted
ekai: Simple Photoshop gradients printed in high resolution, all titled by the parameters needed to reproduce them. By Cory Arcangel.
smartacus: Baby
dhaskovec: David and Leah
dhaskovec: The girls helping to dig out the cars
dhaskovec: Making a path
dhaskovec: Oona digging out the car
dhaskovec: David sledding