sonci: nextdoor neighbors built Batmanuel a ramp!
sonci: nextdoor neighbors built Batmanuel a ramp!
sonci: nextdoor neighbors gave me ramps!
sonci: and AGAIN
sonci: a thing of great beauty
sonci: Batmanuel zzz
sonci: Batmanuel zzz
sonci: cool hat
sonci: trailer park sunset
sonci: Batmanuel & Ford truck
sonci: Batmanuel & red mini cooper
sonci: Nov 3rd was the anniversary of Batmanuel's intake date. He is maybe 17.5 years old now! He is on a strict renal failure diet with no human food allowed except once a year. Here he is eating his celebration ribeye steak.
sonci: first javelina sighting!
sonci: first javelina sighting!
sonci: Kamala car!
sonci: Kamala car!
sonci: Kamala car!
sonci: Kamala car!
sonci: Kamala car!
sonci: iris car
sonci: women for trump poster
sonci: cool big cricket
sonci: cool big cricket
sonci: cool big cricket
sonci: shower centipede
sonci: frog on deadbolt