maximolly: No tax to choke you
maximolly: I love Tycho. But it's also my writing or my drive with @neb music. So when I get tired, maybe I'll go write a chapter of a book, or zoom to Sausalito nebwards.
maximolly: Solo night? Solo cooking at home: miso ramen with snap peas with asparagus & frizzled scallions + soy marinated egg
maximolly: More cowbell! @simonking joins Timbeleza.
maximolly: My dad & I, 5 years apart, same restaurant in DC, same chocolate soufflé. Cc @carolsteenson
maximolly: Spotted on #recordstoreday in Pittsburgh. Hello Minneapolis!
maximolly: The small little shelf
maximolly: Beer. Barge with @simonking & @gjhead
maximolly: You may not know it but Pittsburgh is beautiful city.
maximolly: Pretty in pink
maximolly: Dream car
maximolly: Pink & impish girlwonder
maximolly: Whee!
maximolly: The (Psychedelic) Furs
maximolly: Backyard ume plum tree in bloom smells so heady
maximolly: Hello backyard hello spring
maximolly: Old Quebec City, you sure are pretty and I like your funicular.
maximolly: Possibilities
maximolly: Of course you stop and buy these $2 books when you see them.
maximolly: Alors Web à Québec, let's do this.
maximolly: About to happen
maximolly: A study in gray, black, and red with dog
maximolly: Speaking at TEDxCMU this morning around 11:30 am EDT on what AI can learn from design. Watch live:
maximolly: Imminent: htttp://
maximolly: The first digital camera I used: "QuickTake 100:Another apple product co-developed by an idiot and a genius." (Wired 12/94)
maximolly: Amaze us! From the September 94 issue of Wired.
maximolly: Double rainbow! What does it mean? #aaai #mlux #auspicious
maximolly: "Modernist kitty is modernist." "She's not modernist. She's fluffy!" @bryanboyer & Laura's kitty Zidane crosses her paws
maximolly: Maybe if I hide here you won't go to Detroit
maximolly: Good advice