Don Delaney: Northern Shoveler (Anas clypeata)
Larry Daugherty (slow for awhile): A wild Louisiana iris......D800
Larry Daugherty (slow for awhile): Cruising!!!......D800
Don Delaney: American White Pelican (Pelecanus erythrorhynchos)
Don Delaney: Black-crowned Night Heron (Nycticorax nycticorax)
Bradley Hamel: A Eurasion eagle owl
jo92photos: Wet Piccadilly Circus
jo92photos: Light in The Darkness
jo92photos: Rainy Piccadilly
Don Delaney: For my sisters and all who have lost loved ones to cancer
Bradley Hamel: A little chipmunk just outside its home.
jo92photos: Lonely Beach
Bradley Hamel: A lazy day on the water
anthonynixon17: Dartmoor.
Don Delaney: Northern Saw-whet Owl (Aegolius acadicus)
anthonynixon17: Wild Exmoor Deer!
Bradley Hamel: You look east, I'll look west
jo92photos: Llandimore Salt Marsh
Bradley Hamel: Fungus amung us
jo92photos: Tiddlers at The Fish Market
jumahl: They're not really bald, you know.
Don Delaney: Plain's Bison ( Bison bison bison)
jo92photos: Autumnal Vine leaf
chris37111: All revved up with no place to go
Bradley Hamel: Standing tall
angie_tianshi: bee in flight