angie_tianshi: Fractal from Apophysis and a sky replacement from Adobe
angie_tianshi: Common brown house moth
angie_tianshi: Front and back of a tiger moth
angie_tianshi: The Mullein moth Caterpillar
angie_tianshi: Freesias luminosity
angie_tianshi: Flowers for mother's day
angie_tianshi: Blossom
angie_tianshi: St Mark's Church Venice
angie_tianshi: Hereford Cathedral from the banks of the Wye. Taken over 10 years ago but a bit ignored by me and I wondered if it would take to B&W well, i think it did.
angie_tianshi: Owl with lights
angie_tianshi: Lone yacht
angie_tianshi: Experiments with a glass and blending modes
angie_tianshi: Statue at whitby abbey
angie_tianshi: Dorset Lake Revisited and converted to B&W
angie_tianshi: Christmas llights in a kaleidoscope
angie_tianshi: rainbow and lights
angie_tianshi: Lensbaby filter in front of Camera to photograph Christmas tree
angie_tianshi: Orb and rainbows at Christmas
angie_tianshi: Crystal orb Christmas lights
angie_tianshi: A Yucca with the ghost leaving
angie_tianshi: Pampas grass with rainbow
angie_tianshi: Rambling Rector with Flaming Pear
angie_tianshi: Rambling Rector
angie_tianshi: Pulsatilla seed
angie_tianshi: Love in a mist with Analog Efex
angie_tianshi: I just sat down for a wee moment
angie_tianshi: Starling or Thrush copy
angie_tianshi: It must be very difficult having such a lot of long legs and things!
angie_tianshi: Silver Y Moths on the door