jumahl: Mind if I join you?
jumahl: BEAT IT!
jumahl: How it started...
jumahl: #%&*"?
jumahl: Alright already...
jumahl: Black Crowned Night Heron
jumahl: Black Crowned Night Heron, preparing for takeoff
jumahl: Fox Kit
jumahl: Great Crested Flycatcher
jumahl: Great Crested Flycatcher
jumahl: Great Crested Flycatcher
jumahl: Eastern Phoebe
jumahl: Who spotted whom?
jumahl: Belted Kingfisher
jumahl: Kingfisher
jumahl: Piliated
jumahl: Song Sparrow
jumahl: Pied Billed Grebe and Mergansers
jumahl: Hooded Merganser Couple
jumahl: Heron fishing at nearby Schoolhouse Pond
jumahl: Swing and a miss
jumahl: On the hunt again
jumahl: Another stab and miss
jumahl: Third Attempt in a different spot
jumahl: Success!
jumahl: About to disappear down the hatch
jumahl: Painted Turtle
jumahl: Cedar Waxwing
jumahl: Eastern Bluebird