Turbotastical: Autumn in Korea was gorgeous.
Lars Plougmann: Amalie with garden hose - June 2014
amyeee: It's a full moon, but I love the effect from the lens shadow.
amyeee: Delayed.
MontagandMildred: Dad's birthday today and Father's day tomorrow so we thought we'd make an effort.
withoutnations: Countryside
Tom T: 2014-06-03 15.37.07
Tom Coates: Mr Armitage
Ben Terrett: BRIG CC the fourth album
Tom T: 'Lympics
Matt Biddulph: It's a paper tower holder with a wine bottle stopper and 4-port USB charger.
amyeee: Insisting in being inseparable.
Lars Plougmann: Ben Dover
psd: Ken Garland in da house
The Wild Rumpus: Tom Armitage & UN EP- Wild Rumpus #5
Lars Plougmann: Flyover of the Hope Open Gallery in Austin