knolleary: My side of the home office taking shape.
knolleary: An absolutely beautiful build. The ejector seat mechanism, the flip down headlights, the rising bullet-proof screen. It packs so much in and looks great. Really need to get some shelves put up for it to join the Camper, Beetle, Mini and Caterham models.
knolleary: Packing away Christmas
knolleary: Happy New Year
knolleary: Wrapping the last present with the last piece of wrapping paper and wondering how best to patch the gap.
knolleary: Photo
knolleary: 🎂🎁
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knolleary: Trying out the new local
knolleary: Waiting for the phone call telling us we can go get the keys for the new house.
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knolleary: Taking a break between packing boxes to play a cops and robbers game T had made. Unsurprisingly, the rules I didn't know about let him win.
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knolleary: View from the 21st floor
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knolleary: Photo
knolleary: ♻️ Reduce, Reuse, Urinal
knolleary: The Northern Lights
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knolleary: Time to go home. Seat 19A AC854 YVR LHR
knolleary: Game Day. Been up since 4am fighting the timezone. Demo working. Slides almost finished.
knolleary: Photo
knolleary: Lobby mirrors with the weather forecast on. Useful IoT.
knolleary: Yeah, so that's about to happen.
knolleary: Morning Vancouver
knolleary: Another 4 movie flight done.
knolleary: Seat 19K all the way to Vancouver.