FM54TO: Arctic wolf - Eureka, Ellesmere Island, Nunavut, Canada
papy06200: Le Broc Alpes Maritimes France
Rykou: La petite porte, the little door
Patrick Gallet: Tipsy (Beagle)
robbie466: Springtime daises in the garden
hotte54: Steinadler..(Golden eagle)
Jean-Paul Brissac: Rocamadour
arvind agrawal: Kids at play - IMG_1603
Pawel Wietecha: Wake me up when it's all over
Lazaros2010: Waterfall
arvind agrawal: Exploring the new world - Juvenile Northern Harrier - IMG_1426
Patrick Blondel: Lézard des murailles - Podarcis muralis - Common wall lizard
Blende1.8: another happy day
ralph.stewart: Wren (Troglodytes Troglodytes)
gille33: Calopteryx vierge (6).
Urugallu: Embalse de los Alfilorios-Panorámica de 7 fotos
pierre pesant: CANARD COLVERT / MALLARD (Anas platyrhynchos)
Pawel Wietecha: Set me free
constan perez: Playa Las Salinas, Ibiza
babygirlaqua: EE19A8D9-0E19-4A95-9B21-607693E44FD9
SBA73: Panoràmica al Roc des Hortous
Aperture111-Thanks for over 12 Million views: UNESCO World Heritage Site (Welterbe Kontorhausviertel Hamburg) / Sprinkenhof
alainclement: Splasshhh !!! Osprey has just dived !!!
Weja 68: IMG_ Common bluethroath male
babygirlaqua: Reflections
Schnauzerfreund: Schloss Waldthausen
d-russell4213: Hang Glider Carnival Ride