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Jos Buurmans: Radiating Waves of Force
Andrea Moscato: Icelandic Sheep - Vatnsnes (Iceland) Simone Mayer.
aleshurik: Evening in the village...
alainpere407: Marchons sur une oeuvre d'art... Let's walk on a piece of art...
Claude Gourlay: Birmanie
Richard R. Powell: Nearing the Top
Mark Fearnley Photography: Could be a scene from Peaky Blinders
El-Branden Brazil: Reflection & Cherry Blossom
El-Branden Brazil: Under Cherry Blossom
Frank C. Grace (Trig Photography): Chernobyl School Hallways
Claude Gourlay: Birmanie: visage au tanaka.
schneider-lein: country road
Péter Cseke: 2018.06.29. Biberwier
Péter Cseke: 2019.04.01. Budapest
-Steve Roe-: Shells
alainpere407: Bon anniversaire Melle Eiffel ! Happy birthday Miss Eiffel!
JuF75: secret illusion
geert93: Devotion
docoverachiever: On a slant