torriejonvik: 5834-1sm
Paul McGoveran: Belted Kingfisher 8775
tmckibbin67: Posing Fox
Hari K Patibanda: A Barn Owl sitting lazily on a tree top!
Paul_A_Crabtree: Kingfisher
_Veit_: Air-Braking
gerd.keilen: Curious blue tit!
Bernard Fabbro: martin-pêcheur / Alcedo atthis 22G_1610
V.C. Wald: Ah, the familiar bear closure
V.C. Wald: The Last Salmon
V.C. Wald: View from the Salmon Deck
philippeoros: Ballet aérien
Michael Loyd 1: Northern Hawk Owl
Marcello Galleano: AFRICAN WILD DOG
Greatblue1: Pacific Wren
bcbirdergirl: Hutton's Vireo (Vireo huttoni) - Richmond, BC
Greatblue1: female Yellow-rumped Warbler
bcbirdergirl: Northern Pygmy-Owl (Glaucidium californicum) - BC
bcbirdergirl: Northern Saw-whet Owl (Aegolius acadicus)
Stephanie Sinclair: Happy Panoversary!
Neotropical Pete: ANDEAN FOX Lycalopex culpaeus above Papallacta in Northern ECUADOR. Photo by Peter Wendelken.
Stef54B: Barbagianni - Tyto alba
Ronny The Rooster: Hummer Early Morning Pee!
loryxxyy: _R121457--2
mikeculley591: AY4I4867
Wild Pixel Safaris: Thirsty Feline!
wernerlohmanns: Mauerfuchs
philippeoros: Chardonneret Elegant