avlxyz: Shopfront - Pappa Roti
avlxyz: Pappa Roti - Malaysian-style Bakery Cafe
avlxyz: Top - Pappa Roti, Glen Waverley AUD2.20
emmafern: 2010may_chrisafshinmirka
emmafern: 2010may_minaco2
emmafern: 2010may_chrismina
maximolly: Monkeys after dawn
maximolly: hamish enjoys the sunrise
maximolly: hamish and sunrise at the hillock
maximolly: hamish enjoys a tasty kingfisher beer
maximolly: elephant frieze
maximolly: elephant sculpture at the king's palace
maximolly: another fine elephant sculpture in the lotus mahal
maximolly: green banana trees. blue elephant.
maximolly: Sean and the really big naan
maximolly: School exercises
maximolly: The horse outside my door