C+H: IMG_20140825_120042
C+H: I Am Going So Fast It's Unbelievable!
C+H: Inside the Temple of Literature
C+H: Outside the Temple of Literature
C+H: Uncle Ho's House
C+H: Uncle Ho's Goldfish
C+H: The One Butterfly at My Son That Would Stay Still for a Minute
C+H: Puddle at My Son
C+H: Your Classic "Jungle & Ruins" My Son Photo
C+H: Also at My Son
C+H: At My Son
C+H: Waiting for my banh mi
C+H: Phương's Cilantro
C+H: Phương's Bread
C+H: Phương's Veggies
C+H: Tiệm Bánh Mi Phương
C+H: The Horrible Dirt Road I Should Never Have Turned Down on the Scooter
C+H: Out Near the Vegetable Village
C+H: I Think This Means "Don't Use Drugs"
C+H: On the Far Side of Cam Nam
C+H: Departing the Hotel
C+H: H Riding Bitch
C+H: Many Kinds Lantern
C+H: The Phương Special
C+H: Among the Rice Paddies on a Tiny Bike
C+H: The Hue River
C+H: Lăng Tự Đức
C+H: Lăng Tự Đức dragon statue
C+H: Lăng Tự Đức dragon relief
C+H: Lăng Tự Đức floral relief