james_yeh2001: 2017 10 02 Nature Field_MGL5593-15
Ronny The Rooster: F Wigeon & ice cycles
Ronny The Rooster: Male American Wigeon
Ronny The Rooster: Female Merganser with large Goby!
Ronny The Rooster: Grey Ghost Harrier hunts ditch line.
Ronny The Rooster: Harrier Hunting!
Ronny The Rooster: 'Nope... your butt's clean bro!'
Ronny The Rooster: Bald Eagle
kozyndan: Fail
Ronny The Rooster: Carolina Wren taking off!
Ronny The Rooster: On your mark...get set...GO!
Ronny The Rooster: Grey & Red Screech Owl!
Ronny The Rooster: 'You're Making me Gag Mister!' ...fish.
Ronny The Rooster: Racoon Standing in Snow!
mllka: EMI_2989
Ronny The Rooster: 'Give me that fish Merganser!' Gull
Ronny The Rooster: Eagle...Ta Da!
Ronny The Rooster: Spotted Fawn!
Ronny The Rooster: Snapper Closeup!
Russ Beinder: Hostas
GeorgeM757: N153FE FedEx Express 767-3S2F(ER) at KCLE
Ronny The Rooster: Swallow with Feather
Ronny The Rooster: Pileated Woodpecker!
Fred Roe: Forest beauty
Ronny The Rooster: Heron raids his fridge for lg fish sandwich!
aleshurik: in the autumn field. Iceland.
Gocha Nemsadze: The Door Handle, Tbilisi, Georgia
kenny barker: Hypnosis of the Night