Nfielden: Reading Room
Caffe_Paradiso: Detail of the new Manica Lunga in the corridor and former cells of the Benedictine monks.
m01229: Marine on St Croix, Minnesota - December 17, 2020: A Little Free Library filled with books for sharing within the community
tgrauros: Biblioteca Gabriel García Márquez_Barcelona_P5290040
Lester Public Library: Enter Under the Octopus
ambro91: Biblioteca Civica di Stoccolma
kirstiecat: The National Library of Greece
aesrth: where
Frans.Sellies: National library of Belarus, Minsk
Frans.Sellies: National Library of Kosovo, Pristina, Kosova ( and nowadays also University Library) on the University campus
SoulRiser: Blood Moon 2018
SoulRiser: Blood Moon 2018
Periódico La Semana de Dos Hermanas: Presentación del libro de Daniel Pineda Novo en la Asociación Poética La Almazara
rafaeliba: Lecturas
rafaeliba: Lecturas 2
rafaeliba: Parece que hoy tengo algo de trabajo #igersburgos
rafaeliba: Existen bibliotecas que parecen no ser de este mundo.