TDog54Photography / TCS Photography: Bears in The Smoky Mountains 2017
TDog54Photography / TCS Photography: Bears in wild in the Smokies
vampire-carmen: Erdbeer Macarons - Strawberry Macarons
Sandra Herber: Lake Valley
MarkWarnes: Morning Mist, Yellowstone
MarkWarnes: Fishing at dawn, Yellowstone
pleyadesm45: Mi Gran Noche
albert dros: Tree of Dreams
G. P. Gillam: No More Rain
Official Congressional Black Caucus: Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer
Official Congressional Black Caucus: Dean of the House John Conyers
Tunamelt2: Grizzled
rightthewrong: Home, work, or Hoth? I can't tell anymore!
keithderricottephoto: shadows in the evening
{Dwight}: DSC02799.ARW
marq4porsche: January
Randy • R: The Lighthouse - Assateague Lighthouse
Stephen L D'Agostino: Ailsa Craig No2
melliottohaire: River view
Ester Vallés: The Eye of my Tiger^^
vujade762: playing in the dark (explored)
~Craig~: you gotta scrape that shit right off your shoes..
Laurie-B: "The moon on the crest of the new-fallen snow..."
Syahrel Azha Hashim: Choose your weapon...
jednazif12: IMG_6631 Lunch at Phuktal monastery, Zanskar, India
Neal3K: Rochelle Spheres