Jayris Lin: 我們這一家
MarjieM777: Eastern Tiger Swallowtail butterfly
hirocun: C/2014 UN271 Bernardinelli-Bernstein January 3, 2025
Jayris Lin: 小餅乾出生紀錄 月子中心-41
BAKAWI: 2025-01-08b Blüten weiß gelb
Carsten Bahnsen: Graureiher / grey heron (Ardea cinerea)
Carsten Bahnsen: Rotkehlchen / Robin (Erithacus rubecula)
MarjieM777: Tufted titmouse looking adorable with a sunflower seed
Jayris Lin: 小餅乾出生紀錄 月子中心-30
Jayris Lin: 小餅乾出生紀錄 月子中心-21
wang1688: Inside of the Colosseum Viewed from the 5th Tier
wang1688: Arch of Constantine & Palantine Hill from the 5th Tier of the Colosseum
crziebird: "Winter is on my head, but eternal spring is in my heart"
profmarilena: DSC_3667 marilena's red
Jayris Lin: 小餅乾出生紀錄 月子中心-9
John LeClair: Leopard and Her Cub (In Explore January 4, 2025)
roberto parmiggiani: Arctic redpoll - organetto artico
beranekp: 2012-04-02 Saxifraga sp. - BG Praha Troja
:) Helder Lopes: Borboleta branca da couve ( Happy Sunday dear friends)
Jayris Lin: 小餅乾全家福-1
Jayris Lin: 小餅乾全家福--1
みちお michio: a crow and a ginkgo tree
みちお michio: the Palace side
みちお michio: Late Autumn Leaves
みちお michio: At the park near my house
みちお michio: "Hey, are you done yet? Can you hurry up?"
みちお michio: late autumn leaves
Jayris Lin: 小餅乾出生紀錄-26