Axel Hildebrandt: Short-eared Owl
Axel Hildebrandt: Red-tailed Hawk
bett_atherton: Marbled White
Jaume Bobet: Erithacus rubecula
Jean-François Hic: Black-throated Gray Warbler - Setophaga nigrescens
Andrea Moscato: Hengifoss Waterfall (Iceland)
Gi.Sartori: Verdone ♀
Frank Portillo: Trans-Pecos Copperhead
Gi.Sartori: SuperLunaAlPerigeo
pandt: Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens
Gi.Sartori: Ruĝa Anemono
pandt: Tuscarora Falls
pandt: Cape Florida Light
The Digital Surgeon is back: Baldie having lunch © EXPLORE - Click to view large
Henk Laverman: Velduil, Short-eared Owl
Jean-François Hic: Red-winged Blackbird - Agelaius phoeniceus
Josh Beasley: Bald Eagle
Frank Portillo: Western Hognose Snake
Josh Beasley: Eurasian Eagle Owl
Gi.Sartori: Nel Bosco Aperto - Coenonympha Arcania
Josh Beasley: Common Box Turtle (Terrapene carolina)
Josh Beasley: Great blue heron (Ardea herodias)
seandarcy2: Osprey 2018-8648
Frank Portillo: Glorious Green Scarab
ianlucas3: Peregrine falcon - juv
Frank Portillo: Gray-Banded Kingsnake