strjustin: New Female Regal 2-23-24
New NewEnglander: Little Grebe
New NewEnglander: Little Grebe
New NewEnglander: Canvasback
New NewEnglander: Redhead Drake
New NewEnglander: Wood Duck
enwrigla: Solitary Sandpiper
Randy Lowden: Bald Eagle with Prey
Markus Preiser: Gänsesäger // common merganser
CalmTom: Sitting on the edge of infinity
CalmTom: Beautiful Fall Day
luisfpeixoto: Blowfly
luisfpeixoto: IMG_1498
luisfpeixoto: LFP_7574
Dave913: Falmouth, Cornwall UK
Dave913: Falmouth, Cornwall UK
Peter Simpson: Cooper’s Hawk - Épervier de Cooper
Peter Simpson: American Black Duck - Canard noir
marialucian87: Myioborus melanocephalus
Bea Schmidt: butterfly
Stephen Mudge: Bioluminescent Ghost Mushrooms (Omphalotus nidiformis)
Stephen Mudge: Opisthoncus mordax
Stephen Mudge: Microporus xanthopus from below