alias Avril dia Taumar: Couple de gros-becs errants / Evening Grosbeak
peterschneekloth: Wilson's Snipe
alias Avril dia Taumar: Harfang des neiges / Snowy Owl
Birding and Photography: Rainbow Starfrontlet "Coeligena iris". Ecuador
SteveMlodinow: Mixed Geese-25Jan-UniversityLakes1a
Dave_Lawrence: Western Bluebird---Sialia mexicana
terrylaws526: Orange-breasted Waxbill.
Dancing Snake Nature Photography: _L9A9950 Yellow-throated Miner ©Dancing Snake Nature Photography
sparverius81: Rose-faced Parrot (Pyrilia pulchra)
sparverius81: Crimson-rumped Toucanet (Aulacorhynchus haematopygus)
sparverius81: Velvet-purple Coronet (Boissonneaua jardini) Green-winged Teal Flight OH IMG_7093 Mar 2024
Dave_Lawrence: Short-billed Dowitcher---Limnodromus griseus
Greg Lavaty Photography: Black-capped Flycatcher
Birding and Photography: Long-tailed Duck "Clangula hyemalis". Nome, Alaska
birding4ever: Gulf Fritillary, male, visiting Lantana
sloalan: TOAD, OAK (Anaxyrus quercicus) (09-13-2024) herky-huffman wma, orange co, fl -01
so.tischler: Raupen des Schwalbenschwanz, Papilio machaon
so.tischler: Papageientaucher, Atlantic Puffin
so.tischler: Zwergdommel, Ixobrychus minutus, Little Bittern
alias Avril dia Taumar: Araignée loup / Wolf Spider
alias Avril dia Taumar: Famille Raton laveur / Raccoon family
pamviale: Black chinned hummingbird
pamviale: Barn owl
thegirlwholeftthefridgeopen: the laws of physics don't apply
steelbirder: Cyclosia midama
steelbirder: Spot-bellied Eagle-Owl at the nest
rp1554: White-whiskered Hermit (Phaethornis yaruqui)
rp1554: Wire-crested Thornbill, (Discosura popelairii)