Birding and Photography: The primary reason for this trip - Jocotoco Antpitta "Grallaria ridgelyi". Ecuador
Birding and Photography: Long-wattled Umbrellabird "Cephalopterus penduliger". Ecuador
Birding and Photography: Gray Tinamou "Tinamus tao". Ecuador
Birding and Photography: Fasciated Wren "Campylorhynchus fasciatus". Ecuador
Birding and Photography: Green Jay "Cyanocorax yncas". Ecuador
Birding and Photography: Yellow-browed Sparrow "Ammodramus aurifrons". Ecuador
Birding and Photography: Elegant Crescentchest "Melanopareia elegans". Loja, Ecuador
Birding and Photography: Coppery-chested Jacamar "Galbula pastazae". Ecuador
Birding and Photography: Watkins's Antpitta "Grallaria watkinsi". Loja, Ecuador
Birding and Photography: Jocotoco Antpitta "Grallaria ridgelyi". Reserva Tapichalaca, Ecuador
Birding and Photography: Rainbow Starfrontlet "Coeligena iris". Ecuador
Birding and Photography: Near-endemic Baird's Flycatcher "Myiodynastes bairdii". Ecuador
Birding and Photography: South American coati "Nasua nasua". Ecuador
Birding and Photography: Tropical Parula "Setophaga pitiayumi". Ecuador
Birding and Photography: Endangered Pale-headed Brushfinch "Atlapetes pallidiceps". Reserva Yunguilla, Ecuador
Birding and Photography: White-banded Tyrannulet "Mecocerculus stictopterus". Ecuador
Birding and Photography: Green Honeycreeper "Chlorophanes spiza". Ecuador
Birding and Photography: Violet-throated Metaltail "Metallura baroni". Ecuador
Birding and Photography: Scarlet-backed Woodpecker "Dryobates callonotus". Loja, Ecuador
Birding and Photography: Giant Conebill "Conirostrum binghami". Ecuador
Birding and Photography: Long-wattled Umbrellabird "Cephalopterus penduliger". Ecuador
Birding and Photography: Tit-like Dacnis "Xenodacnis parina". Ecuador
Birding and Photography: Yellow-mantled Widowbird "Euplectes macroura". Zimbabwe
Birding and Photography: Retz's Helmetshrike "Prionops retzii". Zimbabwe
Birding and Photography: African wild dog "Lycaon pictus". Zimbabwe
Birding and Photography: Red-throated Twinspot "Hypargos niveoguttatus". Zimbabwe
Birding and Photography: African Pitta "Pitta angolensis". Masoka camp, Zimbabwe
Birding and Photography: Roberts's Warbler "Oreophilais robertsi". Bvumba mountains, Zimbabwe
Birding and Photography: Juvenile African Spotted Creeper "Salpornis salvadori" begging for food. Bvumba mountains, Zimbabwe
Birding and Photography: Black-fronted Bushshrike "Chlorophoneus nigrifrons". Zimbabwe