santosh_shanmuga: Delicate Dreams
Spudmaniac: Young bluebird
Spudmaniac: Orange hibiscus
jec6100: Clearwing/Hummingbird Moth
jec6100: Super Moon
CrzyCnuk: Puffy
Spudmaniac: Talking bluebird
Jerry_a: BlueBird
Tomko2011: Camera Roll-97
Jerry_a: Bluebird, Nesting
annkelliott: On the supper menu
Gary Fairhead: Chestnut Sided Warbler Blue-winged Warbler Magnolia Warbler
Odephoto: American Rubyspot (Hetaerina americana) ♀
tom saunders (uk)1: blue tit feb 10
tom saunders (uk)1: hummingbird hawk moth july 2010
tom saunders (uk)1: banded demoiselle male wings closed july 2010
tom saunders (uk)1: banded demoiselle male wings open july 2010
tom saunders (uk)1: blue tit immature july 2010
tom saunders (uk)1: common blue male aug 2010
innerMt: trophy dog?
Michael Andrew Dalton: Heron 2011 #1
anyparctos: DSC01838-1sized
jeffloomis1: Black-throated Green Warbler
jeffloomis1: Sunset at Valley Forge
jeffloomis1: Life on the edge
D Welch: Baltimore Oriole
Laura Keene: Canada Warbler
snidro: Tricolor