Odephoto: Say's Spiketail (Cordulegaster sayi)
Odephoto: Say's Spiketail (Cordulegaster sayi)
Odephoto: Say's Spiketail (Cordulegaster sayi)
Odephoto: Say's Spiketail (Cordulegaster sayi)
Odephoto: 'Why do you want to go to Arizona in August?'
Odephoto: Sonoran Desert Toad (Bufo alvarius) immature
Odephoto: Red-spotted Toad (Anaxyrus punctatus)
Odephoto: Red-spotted Toad (Anaxyrus punctatus)
Odephoto: Red-spotted Toad (Anaxyrus punctatus)
Odephoto: Canyon Treefrog (Hyla arenicolor)
Odephoto: Canyon Treefrog (Hyla arenicolor)
Odephoto: Pallid Bats (Antrozous pallidus)
Odephoto: Pallid Bats (Antrozous pallidus)
Odephoto: Pallid Bats (Antrozous pallidus)
Odephoto: Laphria saffrana
Odephoto: Laphria saffrana
Odephoto: Stichopogon abdominalis
Odephoto: Stichopogon abdominalis
Odephoto: Stichopogon abdominalis
Odephoto: Mydas maculiventris female
Odephoto: Mydas maculiventris female
Odephoto: Mydas maculiventris
Odephoto: Florida Cruiser (Didymops floridensis)
Odephoto: Florida Cruiser (Didymops floridensis)
Odephoto: Groove-billed Anis are adorable
Odephoto: Phantom Darner (Triacanthagyna trifida)
Odephoto: Promachus nigrialbus male
Odephoto: Miami Tiger Beetle (Cicindela floridana)
Odephoto: Miami Tiger Beetle (Cicindela floridana)
Odephoto: Caribbean Yellowface (Neoerythromma cultellatum)!