howard1916 - A Lost Man who found a camera: Who loves the Rocky Mountains?
stevenoldak1: Crossword Puzzle Spot ... little Bay Park.
Laval Roy: 1.00350 Canard chipeau / Mareca strepera strepera / Gadwall / Ánade friso
Laval Roy: 1.27594 Jaseur d'Amérique / Bombycilla cedrorum cedrorum / Cedar Waxwing
Laval Roy: 1.30118 Guiraca bleu / Passerina caerulea salicaria / Blue Grosbeak
NiBe60: Golden mountains
williespictures: 2023_Tinos_minimalism_6aa
stevenoldak1: Hudson River and then some.
stevenoldak1: Not Haze, but the smoke from the forest fire in Canada.
stevenoldak1: God Help Us .. Smoke from the Canada forest fire.
Carl's Captures: Back by Poplar Demand
stevenoldak1: Artwork in Armagedón!
ojbfiddlestyx: Yellow Iris
Don111 Spangemacher: Schafstall anno 1750
THR Photography: St Mary Magdalane Church, Hadnall
kalakeli: another blue hour shot in Utrecht
stevenoldak1: I don't have anything ..I didn't. know you were here!
George Plakides: The Gateway
kurtwolf303: The Shadow....
stevenoldak1: Go ahead. paddle away .. see if i care!
stevenoldak1: Kissena Park
tedwill48170: Elephant Rock
perucho.jr: A Fontaiña -P1030927 (explore 06/2023)
francoisaix: Vue à Arles
kboul: Pigs will be pigs
alliance1: Film: Kodak Tri-x 400
stevenoldak1: A Green New Deal .. i count eleven people in this shot I stand corrected 12 people, thank you Ladies