Gf220warbler: Brewer's Sparrow
WanaM3: More warm wishes for everyone that is feeling a bit chilled
ChicagoBob46: Pretty looking
scandan780: Bown Booby
SnappyMac: Tufted Duck (Aythya Fuligula) - Male
okiox: Japanese bush warbler. Horornis diphone
stan sutton: Weevil IMG_4633
patricia.hoedts: Corb mari gros - Cormoran grande - Great cormorant - Grand cormoran - Phalacrocorax carbo
Gf220warbler: Chestnut-sided Warbler
Gary Grossman: Clearing
scandan780: Brown Booby
SnappyMac: Redwing (Turdus iliacus)
NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center: X-ray Echoes Reveal the 3D Structure of Molecular Clouds in our Galaxy's Center
stan sutton: California Quail IMG_0602
Larry Daugherty (slow for awhile): Bluejay on food alert :-)
Gf220warbler: Eastern Wood-Peewee
WanaM3: To chase the chill away
keithhull: The Nave Fountains Abbey
scandan780: Black Skimmers
scandan780: Black Skimmer
scandan780: Double Crested Cormorant and Royal Terns
8lueskies: Sandy our beloved Cockapoo
ChicagoBob46: Tiptoeing flight
VERODAR: Caterpillar
Ciminus: Scricciolo (Wren).
Maryann's*****Fotos: View from Mt. Pilatus, Switzerland
CameliaTWU: 'Without Words'
Gf220warbler: Red-winged Blackbird
WanaM3: At ease