Alan, Yip Wah: The Ochreous Gliding Hawkmoth 裂斑鷹翅天蛾
Alan, Yip Wah: 白肩天蛾 20180718 DSC_0479
Alan, Yip Wah: The Large Pink-and-green Hawkmoth 閉目绿天蛾
Alan, Yip Wah: A Macroscelesia sp.
Alan, Yip Wah: Neocollyris sp. 背葉虎甲屬
Alan, Yip Wah: Abroscelis anchoralis 錨紋虎甲
Alan, Yip Wah: 錨紋虎甲 20230707 2
vischerferry: Cabbage White on Knapweed
ekeha: gusseiserne Gedenk-Tafeln
nitinpatel2: Northern Flicker
John Assheton: Monument to the Harvest.
John Assheton: North Norfolk Sunrise
Räi: K E E P . W O R K I N G
Bob Eade: Long-tailed Blue (Lampides boeticus).
tune505: 사마귀(praying mantis)
shastamax: Wings Above the Water
Bob Eade: Wood White (Leptidea sinapis).
Bob Eade: Amanda's Blue (Polyommatus amandus).
blthornburgh: Summertime DSC_2617
blthornburgh: Little boy blue DSC_1768
4000000 views!: Butterfly 2214
4000000 views!: Butterfly 2215
Jeff Ke: IMGP5815
Jeff Ke: IMGP5126aaaaa
andreas.thomet: .... unterwegs in der Schweiz
Alan, Yip Wah: The Lei's Swamp Flasher 雷氏萤
ni kon ninja: Mating Melitaea didyma
ni kon ninja: Polyommatus icarus in the am.