Cemecada: Bilbo/Bilbao
Cemecada: FLICKRFRIENDS: VAMOS!!, We have to go through -5-again!!-5- !! 💪👍😛
Cemecada: Bilbo / Bilbao, Torre-Iberdrola-Tower
Cemecada: Nubes de verano / Summer Clouds, 1913, by Emil Nolde
Cemecada: The Village of Dangast / El pueblo de Dangas, 1909, by Karl Schmidt-Rottluff
Cemecada: LAGARTERA, 2002, by JUAN GIRALT
Cemecada: (A natural family)
Cemecada: ‘S/T’ - ‘N/T’, (1974), by Juan Giralt
Cemecada: Bilbao Fine Arts Museum
Cemecada: Bilbao Fine Arts Museum
Cemecada: (The Devil under the foot of Saint Michael)
Cemecada: Ciudad de Madrid.
Cemecada: 'Abstracción', 1983, by José Luis Zumeta
Cemecada: Work of Art by Miguel Rio Branco
Cemecada: (Las multitudes en la Plaza / The crowds in the Square)
Cemecada: ‘La Alameda’, (1895), by Ignacio Pinazo
Cemecada: Work of art belonging to the SOLO Collection, city of Madrid, Spain.
Cemecada: María Luisa Gabriela de Saboya, (ant./before 1712), by Miguel Jacinto Meléndez
Cemecada: Cidade da Coruña (dende/from Fundación Barrié)
Cemecada: ‘Garrote vil’, 1974, by Jane Millares Sall
Cemecada: ‘Polvo de huesos’ / ‘Bone powder’, 2024, by Eva Lootz
Cemecada: ‘Toro de fuego’ / ‘Fire bull’, 1959, by Rafael Canogar
Cemecada: ‘Pintura n° 48’, 1958, by Rafael Canogar
Cemecada: ‘Sin título’ / ‘No title’, (2024), (detail), by Lucía C. Martín
Cemecada: ‘Los brutos’ / ‘The brutes’, 2021, (detail), by Sahatsa Jauregi