pedro lastra: Happy to get lunch. Halloween Pennant Dragonfly (Celithemis eponina), Green Cay Nature Preserve, Delray Beach, FL.
pedro lastra: The King of Fort de Soto. Reddish Egret (Egretta rufescens).
Northwest Lovers: Paulina Lake & Newberry Crater, in the Oregon Cascades
pedro lastra: Avocado head. Juvenile Green Tree Frog, Wakodahatchee Wetlands. This frog is tiny and less than an inch in size!
Jay KoolPix: Yellow-crowned Night Heron
Brian E Kushner: Bald Eagle
AnneHu: Les fleurs du marais ๐Ÿƒ Marsh flowers
pedro lastra: Female Belted Kingfisher, Wakodahatchee Wetlands.
pedro lastra: Red-Shouldered hawk (Buteo lineatus) in flight over the wetland, Green Cay Nature Preserve.
Mountain Man JC13: Broken Hearts
josemph: Dardo escarlata.
pedro lastra: Happy Female Anhinga and not so happy Shell Cracker Fish, Wakodahatchee Wetlands. Olympus OM1, OM Systems. Camera Test.
Mountain Man JC13: Fall On Cumberland RIver
Brigitte "Tatie Clic": Début du printemps sur le petit lac
pedro lastra: Bobcat Siblings. Amber and Jasper, Bobcat Kittens in the wetland.
ashahmtl: 0P7A8233 Yellow-rumped Warbler, fall migration, Canada
Jay KoolPix: Snowy Egret
SDRPhoto321: Flying
evakongshavn: Explore๐Ÿ˜Š When sky and earth meets in my imagination
willblakeymilner: Wonderland
Helmut Hess: getrocknetes
ingrid eulenfan: Sächsische Aufbaubank in Leipzig
ellen.kalkman: Reflections
Appalachian Hiker: Pima Point Sunset
Brad Eide: Early morning light . . . Explore 30-11-2021 #29
hapulcu: Rainier Reflections
writing with light 2422: Franklin Falls