james_drury: brick is red
james_drury: tree, fog, horse
james_drury: there's nowt on telly
james_drury: dribble
james_drury: 2.5 TM
james_drury: musical chair(s)
james_drury: fireplace, chair, light, wallpaper
james_drury: all talk and no trousers
james_drury: 1 head is better than four
james_drury: cornered
james_drury: you're a big man but your'e in bad shape
Larry’s Photo: _NZ99806-ORI-NEW
John M Newman: Abandoned Yerevan Airport
Edd Allen: Toiler
Larry’s Photo: _NZ95180-ORI-NEW
Cristiano Antognotti: Former chemical factory
Larry’s Photo: _NZ94882-ORI-new
Edd Allen: Betrayal
Gato M: Coruxo. Winter
Yamabxl: I take you to the dark side of the city
Dave Fieldhouse Photography: Subterranean Sweetshop
John M Newman: Abandoned Culture House
John M Newman: Desolate
Neal J.Wilson: Eland (2)l
Larry’s Photo: _NZ94293-ORI-NEW
Nils Grudzielski: Elsteraue